Copenhagen Int. Brain Congress.
Alex Kerten
Goodbye Parkinson's - Hello Life - PROGRAM AND INFO.
CIBS program:
Full program and info will be sent out after you to have send a mail to
There will be no live steaming from the Congress.
Day 1: Saturday, 22. February 2020
The Danish Parliament, Christiansborg, 1240 Copenhagen
Check-in and registration. Speakers Deniz Kirik & Alex Kerten.
Day 2: Sunday, 23. February 2020
Wihlborgs Konferencecenter
Lautrupvang 12, 2750 Ballerup
The Cure Proffessor Morten Meyer and Real life Parkinson’s from all around the world.
Speakers will be presentet here one by one and on
Day 3: Monday, 24.February 2020
Wihlborgs Konferencecenter
Lautrupvang 12, 2750 Ballerup.
Whole day with Alex Kerten & The Round Table.