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Koncerten finder sted i

Per Kirkeby Lokalet på Kulturcenter Mariehøj, Øverødvej 246, 2840 Holte

Lørdag den 24. juli 2021 – Dørene åbnes kl. 16.00

Første set spilles kl. 18.00. Andet set Kl. 20.00. Der kan købes vand og sandwichs.

Der er fri entre efter ”Først til Mølle” ved tilmelding på cure4parkinson@gmail.com

Ønsker du at støtte cure4parkinson i arbejdet med at kaste lys over sygdommen Parkinson, hjælpe med alle vores projekter, som kan ses på www.cure4parkinson.com, kan du donere til os her Reg.nr 9570, Kontonr.: 13167311. Cure4parkinson, er godkendt af Civilstyrelsen til at måtte modtage donationer og indsamle penge til parkinsonramte.

Vi ses på Kulturcenter Mariehøj

Alt det bedste

Elisabeth Ildal




Joe D’Urso, an Americana/Jersey Shore/Rock & Roll artist, released his 14th CD on SCR/Schoolhouse Records, titled “Jersey Diner,” in January 2018. The CD was recorded in Nyack, Rockland County, NY at OK Records and will feature D’Urso originals as well as songs written by Rock and Roll’s greatest songwriters (Springsteen, Waits, Chapin). Longtime Stone Caravan members Sam LaMonica (drums) and Greg Lykins (guitar) were joined by new members Jerry Scringe (bass) and Seth Saltzman (keyboard).


The CD runs from straight-up Americana rock and roll, singer-songwriter offerings, Jersey Shore and Greenwich Villages influences, as well as Catskill Mountain country tinged instrumentation.


Joe has performed in 27 countries with his band Stone Caravan as well as a solo artist.


Joe D’Urso remains true to an ideal inspired by the late Harry Chapin:

that it is essential to help the less fortunate.


He currently sits on the Board of Directors of the Light of Day Foundation, which raises funds and awareness for Parkinson’s disease, ALS and PSP.



Joe is a founding member of Pinkfest, whose sole purpose is to battle Breast Cancer, sits on the board of WhyHunger, and is a founding member of Artists Against Hunger and Poverty.


Joe is also the owner of Rockland-Bergen Music Festival and a partner in CBGB.


All the best from

Cure4Parkinson &  Joe D’urso

